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Nose Job Correction or REVISION Rhinoplasty In Utah

Nose Job: REVISION Rhinoplasty In Utah

Overview of Secondary Rhinoplasty

1. Corrects nasal deformity after unsatisfactory prior Rhinoplasty

2. Corrects Nasal Airway Obstruction after unsatisfactory prior nasal surgery

3. Uses advanced surgical techniques

4. Uses an anatomical approach

5. Addresses both form and function of the nose

6. A more complex procedure compared to a primary Rhinoplasty

7. Perforated Septum is addressed if applicable

Prior nasal surgery, which was not successful or did not meet an individual’s needs, can usually be corrected by using advanced surgical techniques and artistry. This is known as a Secondary Rhinoplasty; also known as Revisionary Rhinoplasty. This procedure addresses the unsatisfactory outer appearance as well as any associated internal nasal obstruction with our skilled secondary nose job surgery.

Frequently issues found in a less-than-acceptable nose job include:

1. Supra-tip swelling or a “Polly beak” deformity

2. Over-resection of the hump or a “scooped nose”

3. Over-resection of the tip or a “pinched tip”

4. Turned-up nose or a “piggy snout”

5. Dropped tip / droopy, unnatural appearance

6. Asymmetrical Nose

7. Deviation of the nose to one side

8. Collapse of the nostrils on deep inspiration through the nose

9. Problems breathing / Airway obstruction

10. Nasal septal perforation (a hole through the central portion of the nose)

*Disclaimer: Individual results vary. Images do not constitute a promise or representation of any particular outcome or experience.

*Disclaimer: Individual results vary. Images do not constitute a promise or representation of any particular outcome or experience.

Candidates for Secondary Rhinoplasty

1. Unsatisfactory results after prior nasal surgery

2. Completion of facial growth—typically 16 years of age and older

3. Good physical health

4. Non-Smoker, no use of Tobacco Products

5. Positive outlook and realistic expectations

Often these patients will have difficulty breathing, requiring a Septoplasty / Nasal Airway Surgery and /or correction of a Perforated Septum.

Details about the Secondary Rhinoplasty Procedure

To obtain the desired results with a Secondary Rhinoplasty, advanced surgical techniques, based on an anatomical approach, are used which have been developed at Fairbanks Plastic Surgery. The previously operated nasal deformity is more complex than a nose that is being worked on for the first time. Since every case in this situation is unique, corrective surgery must be done very carefully. As a result of dense scar tissue from prior surgery, the anatomy can be less predictable. Each revisionary rhinoplasty must be investigated individually, requiring extensive pre-operative planning. Using state-of-the-art surgical techniques and artistry, deformities resulting from failed prior Rhinoplasty can generally be corrected.

As with a primary Rhinoplasty, Dr. Fairbanks uses the patient’s own tissues when doing Secondary Rhinoplasty. This allows the nose to be sculpted, more reliably and predictably, into an optimal shape without the risk of rejection of implanted material. The use of synthetic materials, other than sutures, is discouraged in any Rhinoplasty surgery. These materials have been known to work their way out of the nose, causing an unfortunate deformity and scarring.

As with primary Rhinoplasty, internal Nasal Airway Surgery is often done in conjunction with Secondary Rhinoplasty. This straightens a deviated septum and opens the airway for better breathing.

If there is an associated Perforated Septum, this will be addressed during the consultation and the operative planning process.

Once the Rhinoplasty is completed and the improved shape is achieved, the work is protected with internal nasal packing and an external nasal splint. This allows for the new nose to better retain the desired results.

Dr. Fairbanks uses the patient’s own tissues when doing revisionary nose jobs. This allows the nose to be sculpted into an optimal shape without the risk of rejection of implanted material. The use of synthetic materials, other than sutures, is discouraged in Rhinoplasty surgery. These materials have been known to work their way out of the nose, causing an unfortunate deformity and scarring.

The goal is to have a nose that does not have an operated look, one that functions well, and one whose appearance makes you feel wonderful.

Recovery from Secondary Rhinoplasty Surgery

1. Taking 2 weeks off work is recommended

2. Avoid strenuous activity for 6 weeks

3. Avoid contact sports for 6 weeks

4. Heavy lifting is discouraged during the healing process

5. A cool mist humidifier is encouraged for comfort

6. Pain medication is provided for discomfort

7. Allow 3-6 months for the swelling to subside

One should plan on 1-2 weeks off from work. The overall recovery of a Secondary Rhinoplasty depends on the individual patient’s health and the extent of the surgery. Initially, there will be some discomfort, which lessens day by day. Pain medications will help. A cool-mist humidifier is encouraged for comfort due to mouth-breathing while the nose is packed. The external nasal splint and the internal nasal packing remain in place for 10 days. Once this is removed, a lighter splint will be provided. Strenuous activities, including exercise and sports, are discouraged for the first 6 weeks while the healing tissues have a chance to become stronger. Even though immediate results are appreciated shortly after the splint is removed, it takes 3-6 months for all of the swelling to subside. The scars will be difficult to see as they are well hidden. A healthy lifestyle will help with recovery.

What can I expect?

Dr. Fairbanks has extensive experience in dealing with nasal problems, including the unsatisfactory results from prior surgery. He is an artist. He combines medical science with art to be able to achieve impressive results. This has been demonstrated by the satisfaction of his patients, both cosmetic and reconstruction patients, such as those with Cleft Lip Nasal Deformities. Similar techniques used in Secondary Rhinoplasty are used to correct Cleft Nasal Deformities. Every care and attention will be taken to maintain your health and well-being while providing you the optimal result from your Cosmetic Plastic Surgery operation.

Will my results last?

Results of Secondary Rhinoplasty surgery will vary with each patient. The anatomic approach used by Dr. Fairbanks allows for the nose to retain the new shape and opened airway. Avoidance of activities that may injure the nose will help to maintain the new appearance.

*All post-operative pictures are of real patients of Fairbanks Plastic Surgery. Identifiable images are used with patient or parent of patient permission.

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Meet Grant A. Fairbanks, MD

Board Certified Cosmetic & Reconstructive Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Fairbanks’ broad training in Plastic Surgery allows him to care for patients of all ages. He is highly trained as a Cosmetic & Reconstructive Plastic Surgeon in Utah & combines Advanced Surgical Skills with his Advanced Artistic Skills in order to get results that not only deliver Improved Functionality & Aesthetic Beauty, but most importantly, Natural Looking Results. Dr. Fairbanks Innovative & Exclusive approach to Plastic Surgery is respected around the world & he is recognized among the TOP Plastic Surgeons in practice today. His areas of expertise include Facial Plastic Surgery, Breast Surgery, Body Contouring & Pediatric Facial Deformities.


Grant A. Fairbanks, MD

Board Certified Cosmetic & Reconstructive Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Fairbanks’ broad training in Plastic Surgery allows him to care for patients of all ages. He is highly trained as a Cosmetic & Reconstructive Plastic Surgeon in Utah & combines Advanced Surgical Skills with his Advanced Artistic Skills in order to get results that not only deliver Improved Functionality & Aesthetic Beauty, but most importantly, Natural Looking Results. Dr. Fairbanks Innovative & Exclusive approach to Plastic Surgery is respected around the world & he is recognized among the TOP Plastic Surgeons in practice today. His areas of expertise include Facial Plastic Surgery, Breast Surgery, Body Contouring & Pediatric Facial Deformities.

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10382 S Jordan Gateway Suite 100

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Monday – Friday 9am to 5pm

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South Jordan, UT 84095

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